Scott J. Peters is an associate professor
of education at Cornell University, and an associate editor of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and
When I
learned that the theme of the IARSLCE Conference this year would be “connected
knowing,” I immediately thought of a story I heard last year. A tenured professor from a land-grant college
of agriculture (I’ll call her “Sarah”) told it during a conversation about
public engagement I facilitated with a group of faculty members. Here’s her story, quoted verbatim from the
transcript, with my voice and that of another faculty member (“Tom”) also
Sarah: Yesterday
I was in a meeting and I asked somebody high up in the administration in our
college a point blank question. The
question was, “In your interaction with our stakeholders, what do they want
from us?” And the response was the same
as always. And that I don’t buy.
Me: Same as always being
what? What was the response?
Tom: The best scientific
knowledge on X? (This was said in a sarcastic voice.)
Sarah: No. The response was, “Somebody on the other end
of the phone line that tells them what to do.”
My experience is so opposite of that, that I was floored by that
response. I work with dairy
farmers. And what farmers want from us
is not an answer. They want us to
partner with them to find solutions.
There is certainly a fraction of the farming community that wants to
pick up the phone, ask me a question, get an answer and implement it. But the ones that are progressive, the ones
that we should be working with to move forward are the ones that say, “What do
you think of this? Can we put something
in place to get some answers?” They’re
working towards networks of on-farm research.
They want us to be partners in finding answers. They don’t want us to give them the answer.
I relate this
story here for two of the truths it reveals.
First, it reveals
and communicates an experiential truth about the wants of a specific group of stakeholders
of a land-grant college of agriculture: they yearn to be partners in the work
of connected knowing—knowing that happens in and through face-to-face
conversations and close, on-going relationships. Knowing that’s grounded in specific situations
and contexts. Knowing that’s collaborative
and multidimensional, that pools different kinds of knowledge and interweaves
different ways of knowing. And, given
all this, knowing that’s both political and personal.
The second truth
Sarah’s story reveals and communicates has to do with the way the yearning for
connected knowing is situated. It’s situated
up against a view of higher education’s public engagement work that positions external
stakeholders as the customers and consumers of academic knowledge and advice. And this view reflects an embrace of a
conception of knowing that’s heroic and individualistic, disconnected and
These truths are both inspiring and troubling. It’s inspiring to learn of a desire for
connected knowing among, of all people, dairy farmers. (I doubt many people would think of them as
yearning for connected knowing!) And
it’s inspiring to learn of a faculty member in a highly technical agricultural
field who sees farmers as partners in the work of knowing, instead of just the consumers
of its products. But it’s troubling to
hear the minimalist judgment the administrator in the story has of the wants of
his or her college’s stakeholders. And
it’s troubling to see and feel the ways that such a judgment, paraphrasing KerryAnn
O’Meara’s description of the IARSLCE Conference theme, obscures who besides a
spotlighted individual contributes to the process and work of knowing, where it
happens, and what ends it serves.
Sarah’s story is just one story, from one particular kind of college. But I’m willing to bet that other faculty
members from different kinds of colleges (and staff and students as well) have
similar stories to tell that reveal the same basic truths. We should make an effort to invite such
stories to be told and documented, and then work to see what we might learn
from them about connected knowing: what it looks like and involves, why it
matters, and how it might be strengthened and supported.
I look
forward to pursuing this with others at the 2012 IARSLCE conference, and beyond!
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